Imagine you’re the guardian of your web application. In today’s digital realm, safeguarding user information and ensuring that only authorized individuals gain access is paramount.
This is where the power of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for Web API comes into play.
Today, we will uncover the essence of JWT Token Authentication for Web API, breaking down its complexities step by step. With security as our compass, we’ll guide you through 8 crucial implementation steps to fortify your Core applications.
Join us in this quest to strengthen your application’s defenses.
What Is a JSON Web Token (JWT)?
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties.
These claims are typically used to identify the user and contain information such as the user’s ID, roles, or any other claim the issuer defines. JWT is often used for authentication and authorization purposes.
Here’s a basic breakdown:

- Header: The header typically consists of two parts: the token type, JWT, and the signing algorithm, such as HMAC SHA256 or RSA.
- Payload: This section contains the claims. Claims are statements about the user (like user ID, user roles, expiration time, etc.). There are three types of claims: registered, public, and private.
- Signature: To create the signature, you must take the encoded header, the encoded payload, and a secret key and sign that using the algorithm specified in the header.
JWT (JSON Web Token) and blockchain are distinct technologies, each with specific use cases. However, they can be used together, especially in decentralized applications (dApps) and other blockchain platforms that require secure authentication mechanisms.
Why Is JWT Useful?
JWTs are considered to be helpful for the following two reasons –
1. Authentication
JWTs are incredibly useful for implementing authentication mechanisms in web applications. They allow servers to confirm the identity of users quickly and efficiently.
With a JWT, a server can issue a token to a user after successful authentication. This token contains encoded information about the user’s identity and permissions.
Subsequent requests from the user include this token, allowing the server to quickly verify the user’s authenticity without needing to maintain session data.
2. Secure Data Transfer
JWTs enhance data security during transfer. The token can be digitally signed using a secret or public/private key pair.
This signature ensures the token’s content remains intact and unaltered during transmission.
As a result, JWTs are a trustworthy method for exchanging sensitive information between parties, preventing unauthorized tampering or access.
What Are the Steps to Implement JWT Authentication in Core?
Implementing JWT Authentication in an Core application involves essential steps to ensure robust security and seamless user interactions. Here’s a breakdown of the process:
- Create an Core Web API Project.
- Install the NuGet Package (JwtBearer).
- Configure appsetting.json for JWT.
- Configure Services and Add JwtBearer in Startup.cs.
- Create Models for Users and Tokens.
- Create an Interface for JWT Management.
- Create a UserController with an Authenticate Action.
- Secure API Endpoints with JWT Authorization.
Following these eight crucial steps, you can seamlessly integrate JWT authentication into your Core Web API, enhancing security and enabling controlled user access to your application’s resources.
What Is the Workflow for Understanding JWT Authentication?
The workflow for understanding JWT Authentication involves the following steps:
- A user provides valid credentials, triggering the server to generate a JWT token.
- The server sends the token to the client, who stores it securely.
- The client includes the token in the headers of subsequent requests.
- The server validates the token’s authenticity and integrity.
- If valid, the server extracts claims to identify the user and their permissions.
- The server grants or denies access based on the extracted claims.
- If tokens expire, the client can request a new token using a refresh token.
- Tokens can be revoked on the server if necessary.
In the image below, we depict the flow diagram for JWT Authentication in the context of Core Web API –

Understanding this flow is vital for efficient JWT Authentication implementation.
How Can You Create an Core Web API Project?
To create an Core Web API project, follow these steps:
- Open Visual Studio.
- Click “Create a new project.”
- Choose “ASP.NET Core Web Application.”
- Select “API” as the project template.
- Configure project settings and click “Create.”
- Your Core Web API project is ready for development.
What Is the Process of Installing the NuGet Package (JwtBearer)?
The process of installing the NuGet Package (JwtBearer) involves these steps:
- Open your Core project in Visual Studio.
- Go to “Tools” > “NuGet Package Manager” > “Manage NuGet Packages for Solution.”
- In the “Browse” tab, search for “Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.”
- Select the package, choose the project(s) to install it in, and click “Install.”
- The package and its dependencies will be added to your project.

The image displayed above showcases the NuGet Package Manager UI.
How Would You Configure the appsetting.json File for Core JWT?
To configure the appsetting.json file for Core JWT, follow these descriptive steps:
Open your project and locate the “appsetting.json” file. Create a new ” JWT ” key inside the JSON structure to hold JWT-related settings.
Within the “JWT” key, define properties like:
- “Key”: Your secret key used for token signing.
- “Issuer”: The entity issuing the token (usually your application’s domain).
- “Audience”: The intended recipient of the token (typically your application’s domain).
Input the corresponding values for these properties, ensuring accuracy and security. Save the “appsetting.json” file.
Our appsetting.json file appears akin to the following:

How Will You Configure Services and Add JwtBearer in ASP.NET CORE Startup.cs?
To configure services and add JwtBearer in ASP.NET CORE’s Startup.cs, you can follow these steps:
- Open your project and locate the Startup.cs file.
- Inside the ConfigureServices method, add authentication services using AddAuthentication.
- Within AddAuthentication, set the default authentication scheme to JwtBearer using DefaultAuthenticateScheme and DefaultChallengeScheme.
- Chain AddJwtBearer to configure JwtBearer authentication options.
- Within AddJwtBearer, set token validation parameters like issuer, audience, and signing key.
- Retrieve these values from the Configuration object, reading them from your appsetting.json file.
- Define how the server validates tokens, including issuer, audience, lifetime, and signature.
- Use AddSingleton to register your JWTManagerRepository.

The ConfigureServices method should resemble the example provided above. Following these steps, you integrate JwtBearer authentication into your application’s services pipeline, ensuring secure token validation and user authorization.
How Can You Create Models for Users and Tokens?
Creating models for Users and Tokens involves defining classes representing these entities in your application. For the “Users” model, design a class with properties like “Name” and “Password,” which will store user credentials for authentication.
Code within the Users.cs file –

The “Tokens” model should have properties like “Token” and “RefreshToken,” providing a structured format to hold the generated JWT and any potential refresh tokens.
Code within the Tokens.cs file –

These models serve as structured containers for user data and token information, facilitating authentication and secure communication between different components of your Core application.
How Would You Create an Interface (IJWTManagerRepository) to Authenticate Users and Generate JSON Web Tokens?
To create an interface named IJWTManagerRepository for authenticating users and generating JSON Web Tokens, follow these steps:
1. Open your project and create a new file for the interface, typically named IJWTManagerRepository.cs.
2. Inside the interface, declare an authentication method that takes user credentials (e.g., username and password) as parameters. This method will return a result of type Tokens, representing the generated JWT and possibly a refresh token.
Our IJWTManagerRepository.cs file’s code appears as follows:

3. Ensure that the Tokens class has properties to hold the JWT and refresh the token.
4. Implement the necessary logic within the classes that implement this interface, such as checking user credentials and generating the JWT.
The final code resembles the following:

This interface acts as a contract, ensuring consistent authentication and token generation method implementation across different classes.
What Is the Process of Creating a UserController with an Authenticate Action Method?
Creating a UserController with an Authenticate action method involves these steps:
1. Open your project and navigate to the appropriate directory (e.g., Controllers) where you want to add the UserController.
2. Create a new class file named UserController.cs.
3. Define the UserController class, marking it as a controller, typically by inheriting from ControllerBase.
4. Implement the Authenticate action method within the UserController.
5. Inside the Authenticate method, inject the IJWTManagerRepository interface as a parameter to access authentication logic.
6. Receive user credentials from the request and call the Authenticate method from the injected interface to validate the user.
7. If authentication is successful, generate a JWT using the token-generating logic implemented in the IJWTManagerRepository.
8. Return the generated JWT in the response to the client.
The code within our UsersController is structured as shown below:

Creating this UserController and its Authenticate action method establishes an endpoint for user authentication.
Clients can send user credentials to this endpoint, receive a valid JWT upon successful authentication, and use that JWT for authorized access to protected resources within your Core application.
Incorporating JWT Token Authentication Web API is an instrumental stride towards fortifying your application’s security while providing seamless user experiences.
By navigating through the comprehensive journey of understanding, implementing, and configuring JWT authentication in your Core project, you’ve equipped yourself with a robust arsenal to safeguard sensitive data and enable controlled access.
With these eight pivotal steps in your toolkit, you’re poised to elevate your web application’s protection and user engagement, creating a digital environment characterized by trust and reliability.